0 2025-02-08
图一:张晋高瀚宇穿黑风衣表 演 《跳dance街》,背靠背站立尽显故事感
图二: 《jump dance street 》 光束炫目,上有张晋、高瀚宇站在沙土中张开双臂,与观众互动
图三: 林志炫、热狗合作为你看过一了百了,这漫天羽毛下他们倾情高歌,以至于被粉丝们赞为"枕头"舞台。
图四:林志炽、热狗合作为you look over a hundred times, this three-sided pillow wall backdrop is amazing, and they are wearing white clothes, singing with deep feeling as the feathers fall from the sky.
图五:李承铉和欧阳靖合作进行You want to dance?, 上映激光秀 full of dynamic energy. After the performance, Li Chengxun tightly hugs Yang Jing and exchanges feelings with the audience, showing brotherly love.
图六: Li Chengxun and Yang Jing perform a mesmerizing dance in "Do you want to dance?"
图七: 梁汉文和周延代表"Big Bay Area Brother" performing "Nameless", singing about ordinary people's lives under spotlight projection effects that illuminate hearts and evoke resonance.
图八: The projection light effect of "Nameless" is stunning; Han Wen and Zhou Yan perform an ordinary life story.
图九: The entire team wears gray-blue windbreakers for "This World Has So Many People", creating a sense of atmosphere with lighting smoke effects that pull out the storytelling element.
Graph Ten: The Zhao Wentian team receives applause from the audience; hot dog beanie fashion stands out.