
本站原创 0 2025-02-08

由华纳兄弟影片公司发行的DC超级英雄电影《闪电侠》(The Flash) 今日发布“酷飒超女”制作特辑,由萨莎·卡莱饰演的超女此次化身宇宙最强战力代表,利用强大的氪星人超能力协助闪电侠对抗反派佐德,火力全开,飒翻全场!影片预售现已全面开启,同时还将于6月13、14日解锁全国300场超前点映。6月16日,《闪电侠》以2D/CINITY/IMAX/DolbyCinema/CGS中国巨幕版本与北美同步正式上映! 超英集结戳爆粉丝嗨点 全新超女惊艳大银幕 电影《闪电侠》阵容强大,狂戳粉丝嗨点,其中不仅有两大时空性格极具反差的闪电侠——社恐大闪和社牛小闪同框登场,还有两代经典蝙蝠侠重归银幕,更有全新超女首度惊艳亮相。由萨莎·卡莱饰演的超女,一经露面便凭借着飒爽身姿、非凡战力俘获一众网友的喜爱。今日发布的“酷飒超女”制作特辑为所有观众揭晓了这位前所未有的超女是如何诞生的。萨莎·卡莱直言自己真的很激动能够扮演这个角色,“此前从未见过像超女这样的人物”。片中的superhero起初被关在不见天日的地牢里,被雇佣兵团囚禁并试图榨取她的力量,但幸运的是双flash和batman及时介入救出她,为此superhero决定鼓足勇气,与flash和batman联手,对抗邪恶军队领导者佐德将军。她透露曾在愿望板上写下盖尔·加朵,因为她扮演了神奇女子,而如今自己也成为了拥有令人震惊力量的一名superhero!通过精湛表演,她赋予了这个角色独特魅力,并为银幕增添了一位令人瞩目的女性superhero形象。

Saasha's performance is so perfect that the director Andy Muschietti can't help but praise her as a perfect superhero. The film "The Flash" showcases the new superhero as an alien with incredible powers, who plays a crucial role in the battle against the villainous General Zod. To bring this character to life on screen, actress Saasha Kalé underwent rigorous and challenging training before filming began. Her unwavering determination and dedication even impressed stunt doubles on set, who were left speechless by her abilities.

In addition to her physical prowess, this new take on the superhero also explores her complex personality - she is both beautiful and powerful like other superheroes but also has a unique complexity. This extraordinary portrayal shatters our expectations of what it means to be a superhero.

"The Flash," produced by Warner Bros., directed by Andy Muschietti, stars Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton, Sasha Kalé, Ben Affleck among others. The film opens for pre-sale nationwide today and will kick off its early screenings in 300 theaters across China on June 13th & 14th before officially hitting theaters worldwide alongside North America on June 16th with formats including 2D/CINITY/IMAX/Dolby Cinema/CGS China Giant Screen versions!
