0 2025-02-08
我在微博上分享了自己怀孕期间的营业照,坦言那时的体重是“36周121斤”,即便如此,我依然坚持拍摄了一些杂志封面的照片。那个时候我的孕期状态非常不错。在照片中,我穿着一件黑色连衣裙, arms looked slender, my face and neck were also without any swelling caused by pregnancy. I wore the hat at an angle, looking cool and playful. In the post, I wrote that I was "super excited about this cover" as a way to leave a precious record for both my unborn baby and myself.
网友们看到我孕期体重后,有人请求分享瘦身秘籍,还有人提议给我宝宝起名为“睡睡”。大家纷纷留言点赞,说我“根本看不出来啊”、“太美了!”称我为“最美孕妈”。还有人说,“啊!我没怀孕也能达到121斤。” “我们也好期待这个杂志封面!” 和 “当初抱着刚出生的醒醒拍封面,现在带着肚子里的宝宝拍封面,也算是公平。”