0 2025-02-12
李会翔:用精品影视剧作品打造培养德智体美劳综合素质全面发展时代新人,启迪教育父母与孩子共同成长,让孩子更优秀,亲子关系更和谐 家庭更和谐 社会更和谐。总出品人 李会翔表示,他希望通过这部剧让参与进来这部剧小朋友都能够得到综合素质的一个提高。
陈秀莲:进入《会飞翔的孩子》 就一定会成为会飞翔的孩子 开心快乐才是第一步。总制片人陈秀莲表示,她希望的小演员们,无论你们曾经有没有经历过,那么进入到will fly away when they grow up. The story follows the adventures of a group of young friends as they explore their dreams and ambitions, overcoming obstacles along the way.
The drama is set to premiere in October on major television networks, and promises to be an inspiring tale of childhood wonder and growth. With its talented cast and engaging storyline, "Will Fly Away" is sure to delight audiences of all ages.
In conclusion, the launch ceremony for "Will Fly Away" was a star-studded event that showcased the talents of both established actors and rising stars. With its positive message and uplifting themes, this drama is sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers everywhere.