0 2025-03-04
BY2 sisters, Miko and Yumi, have undergone a transformation not only in their names but also in their career trajectory. The duo, formerly known as BY2, has changed its name to Sun Huan and Sun Yu respectively. This change is more than just a superficial makeover; it reflects the sisters' decision to break free from their past and forge new paths.
The reason behind this name change is rooted in the expiration of their contract with their former record label, Sea Butterfly Music. With the contract fulfilled, the sisters decided to part ways and establish their own independent work studio. This bold move signifies a fresh start for BY2.
However, this decision has not been without controversy. Many fans are skeptical about the new names chosen by Sun Huan and Sun Yu. The names seem too ordinary for public figures who have built a reputation on stage as BY2. In fact, many fans still find it difficult to remember these new monikers.
But what sparked even more curiosity was when Liang Jialei (Liang Jialie), ex-wife of Wang Likun (Wang Lihong), revealed that there was an intimate connection between BY2 and Wang Likun during her divorce proceedings against him. Social media platforms were flooded with screenshots of messages exchanged between BY2 members on dating apps where they appeared to be flirting with Wang Likun.
In response to these allegations made by Liang Jialei's team against them for providing false evidence regarding Wang Likun's infidelity case involving them two years ago which led them being sued by Liang Jialei for contempt of court after she lost her case due to lack of evidence against King George (Wang Likung) whom she divorced 5 months later over alleged adultery after he met her at his concert last year when he was already married before divorcing him 6 months later while still trying to sue By2 again over false allegations about how they had conspired together with his ex-wife Li Shuangfei who had already exposed King George having an affair with another woman named Zhang Xiaoyu who happened to be one half of popular girl group "Twinning" but she couldn't provide any proof so eventually lost her lawsuit as well since all charges were dropped due largely because both parties involved didn't want publicity anymore
As news broke out that BY2 followed suit naming themselves after Chinese zodiac animals following up on previous news about other celebrities doing same thing like actor Jay Chou whose birth sign is rabbit hence became "Jay Rabbit" or singer JJ Lin who chose dragon instead choosing snake which makes sense given both signs share similar traits such as creativity passion perseverance courage ambition determination etc., people began questioning whether these changes signaled something deeper within each individual rather than just changing appearance alone - do we really need our favorite stars changing looks constantly?