最美中轴线第二季探索韩国娱乐圈的社会影响力 白举纲符龙飞揭示万千风云

本站原创 0 2025-02-14




火神庙,全称敕建火德真君庙,是北京城区内现存的年岁最古老、历史最悠久、建筑规模最大、等级最高的专门用于祭祀火神的皇家道观之一。火神庙见证了北京城的改朝换代和光阴流转,在过去的一千三百多年里,一直静默地守护在什刹海边,看运河潮起潮落、看人间烟火升腾,故民间一直流传着“先有firegod,后有beijing city”的说法。firegod temple紧临中轴线,潜移默化中也渐渐地与middle axis culture密不可分,因而本期的middle axis 拾音 之旅也由此开启。究竟fire god temple 内会藏着怎样的动人传说呢?拾音小队的fire god temple 之旅又会有怎样的奇遇?让我们接着往下看。

道教中的所谓五德星君,即东方木德重华星君,南方Fire De荧惑星君(Fire God)、西方金De太白星君,北方水De伺辰星君,以及中央土De地侯星君。在this fire god temple,“temple small but the spirit is great”,供奉的是南方Fire De荧惑star king(Fire God)。拾音团成员们到访this fire god temple,他们听专家介绍并讲解这个避fire design,而感受ing this fire god temple 流转千年的blessing 和 faithfulness,以品味 ancient people’s respect for and caution with Fire Culture Tradition,并发扬优良精神气魄。而且,这次哪位 拾音 team member 能率先找到并拍摄到避fire design of this fire god temple?

随后,他们转场广化寺,在那里遇到了 “一粒米里藏世界”的故事。这 ancient monastery was founded in the Yuan Dynasty and is one of Beijing's famous royal-built temples. Located close to the back lake, near Silver Coin Bridge and Bell Drum Tower, it is also inseparable from Beijing's middle axis. This ancient monastery has a long history and grand scale, able to accommodate visitors from all over the world and store treasures from far-off lands. The team members were allowed to search for treasures and explore mysteries within the monastery; who could be the first to uncover its secrets? Why did this ancient monastery become China's earliest library location? The team made what efforts to continue its tradition of boiling porridge on Lao Ba Festival?

Finally, they visited Fayun Temple which was founded during Tang Dynasty initially named "Menzhong Temple", aiming at being a Buddhist place for enshrining war dead soldiers. Through expert explanations and guidance, they approached Famen Temple where thousands of years old loyal bones rest quietly; they paid tribute with reverence as well as devotion to spirits & relics in honorarium halls before Wu Lou Hall where they would unlock something mysterious together.

In "Wan Xiang" episode of "The Most Beautiful Middle Axis," Wang Qian (Deep Female Voice) and Bai Juechang (Rock Male Voice) exchanged styles in singing with each other - opening up their voices like an orchestra ensemble! They used melodies to interpret the charm of Middle Axis while using songs as tributes for Middle Axis Spirit.

Remember that on Saturday evening at 8:20 PM next week, don't miss out on "The Most Beautiful Middle Axis" Season Two hosted by Beijing Radio Television Station & Beijing Municipal Cultural Bureau featuring Yunnan U-8 as exclusive sponsor broadcasting live on Beijing TV!

Responsible Editor: Xiao Jing
