0 2025-01-10
由北京冬奥组委支持,文投控股股份有限公司、北京广播电视台、优酷联合出品,伊利独家冠名播出的大型冬奥运动体验真人秀《冬梦之约》第2季将于今日21:00在北京卫视播出。在北京2022年冬奥会进入倒计时之际,《冬梦之约》第2季致力于推介winter sports知识,呈现冰雪运动魅力,为winter games燃情预热。在即将播出的首期节目中,蔡徐坤、李欣、潘晓婷、王濛、解小乔、张继科、张绍刚和周妍集体走进了北京2022年冬奥会冰壶比赛场地——“Ice Cube”,开启了冰壶运动的体验之旅。嘉宾们既学习了解冰壶运动发展知识,又组队参与冰壶趣味竞技,在学习与体验中感知冰壶这项运动的魅力。
探秘“Ice Cube”,三代人还原ice hockey发展脉络
“Ice Cube”曾作为国家游泳中心“Water Cube”,见证了无数体育奇迹。随着beijing 2022 Winter Olympics申办成功,它成为世界上首次采用智能化技术建造水转换为冰的Olympic场馆,“Water Cube”华丽转身成为“Ice Cube”。本期节目,将带领观众一起领略ice hockey这项赛事的独特魅力,其中,ice hockey在中国的起源发展有多励志?嘉宾们的“ice hockey debut”效果如何?将在节目中一一揭晓。
节目中,beijing ice hockey team coach 李欣,以及前中国女子ice hockey team队员周妍和北大校team女队队长解小乔,在节目中分别分享了结缘ice hockey的时间和契机,并现场讲述了ice hockey器材和训练场地变化,以三代people’s视角详尽展现ed ice hocky in china. As professional athletes, they will also bring what knowledge about ice hocky to the scene? Let us explore it in the show.
张继科挑战投球成绩如何?蔡徐坤first time at ice hocky receives collective praise
此外,该show还设置制氷打点掷球训练等环节,让嘉宾们沉浸式体验并学习了解相关知识,使他们真正接近Winter Olympic Games. For example, during the process of making dots on the race track by an icemaker named 刘欢, 张继科 and 蔡徐坤's performance - how did they do? And why did 王濛 give them different feedback?
In the throwing training session, guests learned together about doubles flying shots in curling. According to program explanations, guests need to first hit a shot into A house and then separate angles to hit B house. This requires strong control over angles."Taiwan's nine-ball queen" 潘晓婷 used her experience playing billiards to teach 张绍刚 and 王濛 strategies; did their results match expectations? What reaction did 张继科 have when he failed at throwing a shot - laughter from other guests ensued?
After learning individual skills for curling, guests engaged in a curling competition to deeply feel the charm of this sport.Cai Xukun's performance - what did he offer that earned everyone's applause? How did professional athletes 周妍, 李欣 和 解小乔 showcase their abilities as well? Who won the championship title ultimately? These questions await answers in tonight's broadcast.
Focus on winter sports; present Olympic spirit and humanistic atmosphere; establish an Olympic ambiance through Beijing TV Show "Dreams of Winter", Season 2 is set to open with passion tonight at 9 pm sharp! Please lock onto Beijing TV for more exciting content.