0 2024-11-27
,5月24日,由故宫博物院、中国东方演艺集团有限公司、人民网股份有限公司共同出品的舞蹈诗剧《只此青绿》——舞绘《千里江山图》(以下简称“青绿”)主创现身澳门伦敦人酒店,宣布将于8月24日到28日在威尼斯人剧场连演5天。这是中国东方演艺集团《只此青绿》剧组在完成了内地300余场巡演之后首次在澳门演出。 这两天,为了给“青绿”澳门首演预热,主创总编导周莉亚、作曲吕亮以及三位舞蹈家——“希孟”张翰、“青绿”孟庆旸和“展卷人”谢素豪走进校园和社区,与澳门的观众近距离接触,受到观众们的热情追捧。22日晚,由澳门舞蹈家协会主办的“2023舞艺传承——《只此青绿》高雅艺术进校园活动”在澳门培正中学举行,澳门演艺学院、培正中学、濠江中学、澳門科技大學等11所学校超过350名舞蹈队学生与“青-green”的团队面对面。 见面会的开始,导员周莉亚声情并茂地讲述了该剧的心路历程及创作过程,对台下孩子们听得津津有味。很多孩子都是通过网络了解这部戏,而见到了传说中的孟庆旸还有几位剧中人却是第一次。当孟庆旸展示了难度极高动作时,一片惊讶赞叹声响起。在指导下,他们尝试做动作,并得到点赞。此外,他们还从艺术家口中了解到了实际上这个动作为表达为"险峰”。对于提出的问题和疑问,艺术家们耐心回答。而当互动环节结束时,一位小朋友感慨道,现在的小朋友对于传统文化好奇程度远超想象。而周莉亚导员也赞叹道,这些孩子不是吃瓜群众或追星族,而带着问题准备交流。“当你带着传统文化进入这里,就有特殊意义。” 孟庆旸表示:“作为一名舞者,我肩负重担,那份责任是让更多小孩感受艺术力量。而看到未来的小伙伴,我鼓励自己今后之路。” “Only this green, dance and poetry, will perform in Macau in August. On May 24th, the creators of the dance poem 'Only this green' - Dance and Poetry of 'Qingming Scene' (hereinafter referred to as 'green') appeared at the London Hotel in Macau, announcing that they will perform for five days from August 24th to 28th at the Venetian Theater. This is the first time that China Eastern Performing Arts Group's "Only this Green" has performed outside of mainland China. Over these two days, to preheat for "Green"'s Macau premiere, chief director Wu Liya, composer Lu Liang, and three dancers - Zhang Han ("Ximen"), Meng Qingyuan ("Green"), and Xie Suohua ("Unfurl") visited schools and communities to interact closely with audiences in Macau. The event was hosted by the Macao Dance Association on May 22nd at St. Joseph's College Auditorium; over 350 students from eleven schools participated alongside the "Green" team. At the beginning of the meeting, Director Wu Liya vividly recounted their creative process and heart journey as she spoke before an audience of children who listened intently with wide eyes filled with wonder."