
本站原创 0 2025-01-22




友谊也是生命不可或缺存在,青春时知己好友更是人一生的财富。唐代诗坛韩愈孟郊引领“韩孟诗派”对盛唐后的诗歌艺术境界开拓之功,同时两位诗人亦惺惺相惜的一生挚友。在共同参加完科举考试后孟郊落榜韩愈高中面对不得志好友,他想到自己考四次才成功经历十分共鸣孟郊失落心境多次写诗宽慰他为他的仕途出谋划策。而这首《知音者诚希》也被认为是韩愈为老友孟郊所作。岁月流转 情谊常在“韩孟之交”激励后人不断谱写友情篇章。

曾毅董宝石把古典融入流行歌曲首次合作带来说唱版《知音者敬流水高山愿emotion比金坚》燃气 对唱 中两位经典传唱 人生动再现了韩愈与 孟郊这对忘年交神仙友谊也唱出了彼此明天祝福。他们的大谈相识细节让人们羡慕不已。

中国喜欢借登高远眺景致表达内心某种感情。 poem through creating theme works of climbing mountains and looking out, express their feelings towards their own life or the land they stand on.

Dupo's poem is a masterpiece of literature and military affairs. In "Autumn in Chang'an," he uses his own experience to describe the beauty of autumn in Chang'an, as well as his own spirit of rising up. The poetry style is unique, full of vitality and enthusiasm.

Huang Ling and Yu Di brought this beautiful scene to life with their singing. Their gentle yet powerful voices painted a picture that made people feel like they were there with them.

The city has a profound impact on one's life, just like how it did on Sheng Tang poets such as Du Fu who wrote about the beauty of autumn in Chang'an while expressing his longing for home.

Li Bai was known for his romantic poems that captured the essence of youthfulness. His poem "Ascending to Jing City" showcased his talent by describing spring scenery in vivid detail.

Gong Shuang combined traditional music elements with modern pop songs to create an enchanting performance that transported audiences back in time.

Xu Junshuo and Zhang Huiying performed "Spring Thoughts" with great energy, blending ancient poetry with modern musical elements to create an unforgettable performance that transcended time and space.

Through these performances, we can see how classic Chinese poetry has been passed down from generation to generation through different forms of art. It allows us not only appreciate its beauty but also understand the emotions behind each line.

The fifth episode will be broadcasted at 8 PM on May 28th.

Please join us for another journey into classical Chinese poetry!

标签: 港台娱乐八卦
