
本站原创 0 2024-12-19

BY2 sisters, Miko and Yumi, have undergone a transformation not only in their names but also in their career trajectory. The duo, formerly known as BY2, has changed its name to Sun Huan and Sun Yu respectively. This change is more than just a superficial makeover; it reflects the sisters' decision to break free from their past and forge new paths.

The reason behind this name change is rooted in the expiration of their contract with their former company, Sea Butterfly Music. After parting ways with the label, BY2 established its own studio and decided to embark on a fresh journey under new monikers.

However, this move has not gone unnoticed by fans or critics. Many are skeptical about the new names chosen by Sun Huan and Sun Yu. The ordinary-sounding names may seem insignificant for an average individual but hold significant weight for celebrities whose names can impact their future prospects.

The question remains: what does BY2's relationship with Wang Likun have to do with this name change? There were rumors that Liang Lei (Wang Likun's ex-wife) had revealed some intimate details about BY2's connection to Wang Likun during her divorce proceedings against him. These allegations sparked widespread interest among netizens who shared screenshots of alleged chats between BY2 members and Wang Likun on various chat platforms.

BY2 was quick to respond by filing a police report against these false claims. In response, Liang Lei jokingly said she would "hammer" those spreading lies into submission if they could provide evidence supporting such claims.

Despite these controversies surrounding BY2's personal lives involving high-profile individuals like Wang Likun or Liang Lei after her divorce from him led them into legal troubles when they failed to provide concrete evidence of his infidelity due lack of proof provided by them as well as confirming ties between them both being found guilty of contempt of court while trying defend themselves before court which ultimately resulted in fines imposed upon them both respectively.

In conclusion,BY2 has undergone significant changes including changing its name from one that was once synonymous with music success(by 2019)to another less memorable one now(Sun Huan & Sun Yu),but still maintains connections through family bonds & musical collaborations

This article aims at exploring reasons behind such drastic changes within celebrity circles where relationships amongst stars often intertwine leading up different outcomes affecting public perception towards artists involved.

Please note that all information presented here should be considered speculative since there aren't any official confirmations made public yet regarding exact nature/depths extent depth level degree levels levels levels depths degrees degrees degrees etcetera...

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