0 2025-02-27
在这个家中,三叔坚持要求离婚,并且明确指出,在他与苏远智父母达成协议之前,不得离开。这导致了一个紧张的局面,但 Zheng Nan Yin 决定不顾一切地走出了家门。她的弟弟 Zheng Xi Ju 对此感到困惑,他是否为姐姐好,也许反而害了她?
Zheng Dong Yin 对弟弟说:“路都是自己走的,无论前方有多深的坑,只要你跳下去,你才能真正知道。”她内心想的是,她知道西决羡慕南音勇气,但不知道的是,南音也羡慕着那份勇气,可以在年轻时不顾一切地追寻爱情。
Zheng Xi Ju 比对了雪碧和东霓小时候的照片,并发现他们长得一模一样,让大妈来看。突然,他想起当年关于雪碧诞生的秘密,那一年他和东霓曾经有过一段关系。当时东霓站在楼顶,有轻生的念头,而西决则怯生生地让她先下来。
大妈回忆,那时候东霓21岁。这让西决产生了一种直觉:如果那个时候的事情发生的话,大妈的话意味着什么?Snowy 是不是真的就是他的亲妹妹?
在医院里,一场意外发生了,让他们必须加速行动。Zheng Dong Yin 拥抱着孩子,跟随后面的Snowy 和Xi Ju 一起赶往医院。大儿子小哥静坐在病房照看孩子,对于以前所承诺的一切,他依然坚守。
“无论是糖衣还是炮弹,我都会接住。”他告诉道,是吗?East Glory 问,“算数,如果我们能在一起就行。”
那么,如果有一天真给你一颗炮弹呢?Xing Jun asked back, “I'm really curious about it, East Glory. What kind of bomb can you give me?”
Meanwhile, Snowy was lying in bed unable to sleep and asked her uncle who had come to check on her if her mother was going to reconcile with the professor uncle and return to Germany. Would they send her back to Yang City?
Just then, East Glory took the child from Xing Jun's hands and said, "Come here, Mommy." The scene shifted as she entered the hospital room but couldn't find the child anywhere.
"Which bed?" she frantically asked before rushing out again.
In this drama filled with love and family secrets set against a natural backdrop of beauty, we will see how these characters navigate their relationships and confront their pasts in search of happiness.