0 2025-02-20
因为针织背心温暖了我们最怕冷的胸膛,没有袖子的设计,不会让手臂和肩膀紧绷起来,同时还可以调节肩宽,窄肩选择肩宽一点的落肩背心,宽 shoulder 就可以选择肩膀内收一点的背心。套在大衣里作为内搭,经常可以成为整套着装的点睛之笔,走进室内,也总能靠着层次穿搭略胜一筹。
#01 MATCH 针织背心+衬衫
其次,针织背 心与 衬 衣 的 尺码 要 和 谐,这种 和谐 并 不 是 指 完全 合身 的 码 数。
可以 选 择 复 古 有 活 力 的 紧 身 小 背 心 搞 搭 大 一 点 的 衬 衣 蔓 把 出 露 在 外 面 的 膨 扁 袖 子 和 下 裙 子 才 会 有 好 看 的 层 次 感 凸 显 俏皮。
也 可 以 选 择 合 尽 或 略 宽 松 的 纯 色 大 背 心 搭 配 合 尽 内 搭 衿 也 不 需 要 夸 张 落 肩 设 计 简约 干净 才 能 显 现 高 级 感。
#02 MATCH 针织背心+针织衫
第二组推荐就是needle weave back into a needle weft shirt.
首先,一定要选择紧身needle weft shirt, needle weft shirt本身带有一定的厚度,而紧身款才能更好的塞进各式back into a sleeveless design(body shape permits, even can add one more shirt)。
搭配时,一定要根据needle weave back's neckline to choose the neckline of the needle weft shirt, important is to leave out layers at the neckline area. The same principle as opening several buttons on a round-necked sweater. High-neck or round-necked sweaters pair well with V-necked sweaters; loose-fitting sweaters hide small waistlines and are very accommodating in terms of body shape; fitted sweaters raise waistlines and are particularly suitable for petite figures.
The piling up at the neckline brings warmth enough without needing scarves anymore, allowing greater freedom in choosing lower garments such as various styles of pants or skirts.
This season also sees popularity in high necklaces with dropped shoulders that look warm and elegant but require less from your inner layer - just make sure your sleeves are clean-cut.
So many times have we chased after an outfit that could go with everything in our wardrobe, wanting every piece to be perfect. While this pursuit is good it does lead us into overthinking things too much.
I hope instead that you will find joy and beauty from wearing one perfect outfit each time rather than getting lost in excessive thought about clothes' compatibility. Anytime, simple mindsets bring forth simplicity’s value most precious indeed.