毛晓彤与神秘男子约会后同回公寓 疑似恋情曝光
0 2024-12-30
总体而言,孟羽童离开格力的原因可能是因为 herself and her visions for the future diverged from those of Dong Mingzhu. Her personal interests and pursuits did not align with the traditional business model of Gree. Although she possesses the ability and wisdom, her youthful exploration and personal aspirations led to a parting of ways with Dong Mingzhu two years after joining Gree.
This departure cannot help but evoke a sense of regret, but we also look forward to Son Mengyao's future development after leaving Gree. She can learn from her past experiences, find a more suitable stage for herself, and discover more potential within herself to create a brighter future for her career.