
本站原创 0 2025-03-24

简介:由北京广播电视台、北京市文物局联合出品,燕京U8独家冠名播出的大型文化音乐竞演真人秀节目《最美中轴线》第二季,将于本周六晚20:20在北京卫视迎来第六期节目“庙宇容万象”,中轴拾音团即将开启庙宇之旅!本期,将携手白举纲、符龙飞、王弦、徐乐同,访火神庙、探广化寺、临法源寺,解密北京“千庙之城”称号背后的秘闻。到底拾音团成员们为什么要做和“火”有关的小游戏?符龙飞在现场又说了什么、引得连连赞叹呢?让我·· 由北京广播电视台、北京市文物局联合出品,燕京U8独家冠名播出的大型文化音乐竞演真人秀节目《最美中轴线》第二季,将于本周六晚20:20在北京卫视迎来第六期节目“庙宇容万象”,中轴拾音团即将开启庙宇之旅!本期,将携手白举纲、符龙飞、王弦、徐乐同,访火神庙、高力村、三圣殿等众多古老建筑,为大家带来一场深入了解中国传统文化的奇妙旅行。



firefighters. Fire Temple, also known as the True and Faithful Temple of the Fire God, is a royal temple dedicated to the worship of the Fire God in Beijing. It is one of the oldest and most well-known temples in Beijing, with a history dating back over 1,300 years. The temple has been witness to many historical events and changes in Beijing's cityscape over time.

The team will explore various aspects of fire culture during their visit to Fire Temple, including its significance in Chinese culture and how it reflects the people's respect for fire throughout history. They will also learn about how ancient people used fire for warmth and cooking before modern technology was developed.

The team will then proceed to Guanghua Temple, where they will discover stories about Buddhism and its influence on Chinese society. This ancient temple has been a place of worship for Buddhists since it was first built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). Its tranquil atmosphere provides an ideal setting for meditation and contemplation.

Finally, they will visit Fayuan Temple, which has been around since the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD). With its rich history spanning over 1,000 years as a place of worship for both Buddhists and Taoists alike., Fayuan Temple offers visitors an opportunity to gain insight into China's complex religious past while honoring those who have lost their lives protecting their country.

In this episode "Libraries", we see how libraries are important centers not only for learning but also as places where knowledge can be shared among communities. We'll hear from experts on why these institutions are essential today more than ever before., we'll find out what role they played in shaping our understanding of literature through generations., we'll see examples from different parts

