0 2025-03-19
据媒体报道,虽然吴玟萱周围有许多追求者,她至今仍坚守单身。她说:“还是靠自己最实在!”这位母亲育有一子安东尼,她目前生活在上海,并透露 herself she still wants to have another child before she gets older. However, she is determined not to rely on a man for it. She said: "I have thought about just doing it through artificial means."
Wu and her ex-husband had one son named Anthony, who is currently living in Shanghai with his mother. Wu has been focusing on her career and building her wealth, and has become known as a successful businesswoman in addition to being a beautiful model.
Despite the many suitors that surround her, Wu remains single and independent. She believes that relying on oneself is the most practical way to live life. As for having more children, Wu says she would like to do so before she gets too old but will not rely on a man for it.
In conclusion, Wu's story serves as an inspiration to women everywhere who are looking for independence and self-sufficiency in their lives. Even at 41 years old, Wu remains youthful and beautiful both inside and out.
This article was written by [Your Name]