
本站原创 0 2025-02-27



噜啦噜啦咧 噜啦噜啦咧

噜啦噜拉咧 噜啦噜拉咧

勇敢向前进 前进有奖品

我要跑第一 要开飞机 要电视机

要CD机 要mp3 要冰淇淋 要人民币

不要太贪心 聪明勇敢有力气 我真的羡慕我自己

呼唤圈也没问题 后空翻两周再敬个礼 天南地北不放弃 去寻找减肥的朱古力 圆头圆脑圆肚皮

里面是生命的真谛 让我们呼喊高声 一起高声呼喊 我来弹琴 呀 你吹牛皮

我要开飞机 我要当经理 我要拿高薪 还有冰淇淋 我要得第一 不能太费力 我们和你心 有 灵 犀 西医说我要拉皮 中医说我要注意体型 千山万水不怕崎岖 最后才发现无药可医

我也曾经跑第一 是因为第一才有雪批 我也思考人生意义 才发现自己真了不起 忍不住呼喊 高声呼喊 一起高声呼喊

I come to play my guitar, ya you blow your trumpet,

I want to fly a plane, I want to be a manager,

I want high pay and ice cream, I want to be the first,

Can't be too tired, we're with you heart,

With spirit and energy. Western doctors say I need plastic surgery,

Traditional Chinese medicine says I should pay attention to my body.

Through mountains and rivers without fear of obstacles,

Only to discover that there is no cure.

I once ran first because only the first has snowflakes.

I also pondered the meaning of life,

And only then discovered that I am truly remarkable.

Unbearable urge to shout out loud!

Come on everyone let's sing along!

Let's sing it loud! Let's sing it proud!

Come on everybody let’s get along!

Let’s sing it loud! Let’s sing it proud!

Don’t get too full of yourself unless you have me looking out for you.

Eating every day isn’t easy. You must stay fit.

Wanting planes, TVs, CD players, MP3s and ice cream?

Wanting money? Don’t be greedy.

Unless ice cream is expensive no more. Three yuan two mao per piece.

And even if they are cheap like this...

Then maybe I can afford some company. Unless...

Unless I have rice... To exchange for red roses,

Then give them all to you… Im just loving you.

Feeling so happy every day… Im just loving you.

Don’t hesitate anymore… Im just loving you.

No fear of getting fired… Im just loving you.
