
本站原创 0 2025-02-14




火神庙,全称敕建火德真君庙,是北京城区内现存的年岁最古老、历史最悠久、建筑规模最大、等级最高的专门用于祭祀火神的皇家道观之一。火神庙见证了北京城的改朝换代和光阴流转,在过去的一千三百多年里,一直静默地守护在什刹海边,看运河潮起潮落、看人间烟火升腾,故民间一直流传着“先有firegod temple,后有beijing city”的说法。firegod temple紧临中轴线,潜移默化中也渐渐地与middle axle culture密不可分,因而本期的middle axle 拾音 之旅也由此开启。究竟firegod temple内会藏着怎样的动人传说呢?拾音小队的firegod temple 之旅又会有怎样的奇遇?让我们接着往下看。

道教中的所谓five deities star,即"east wood deity zhonghua star, south fire deity xingwuhu star, west gold deity taibaihu star, north water deity sidianhu star," and "central earth deity dihouhu star". firegod temple,”temple small god big", supplies the exact same as "south fire deity xingwuhu star". 拾音team members visit firegod temple, listen to expert introduction and explanation of the avoidance design in the temple. They feel the protection and faith that have been flowing through firegod temple for thousands of years. They taste ancient people's reverence for and caution towards fire. They inherit and promote excellent spiritual qualities.

So which member of 拾音team can find out and take a photo of the avoidance design in firegod Temple first? What kind of story will be brought to us by “讲故事” on most beautiful middle axle line - Fire God Temple?

The team then moves to Guanghua Temple where they meet with stories such as "a grain of rice contains a world". Guanghua Temple was initially built during the Yuan Dynasty. It is one of Beijing's famous imperial temples. The team members are allowed to search for treasures or explore secrets within the monastery. Who can uncover its hidden history first? Why has Guanghua Temple become an early location for a national library? What efforts did our team make to continue Guanghua's tradition of making porridge during Laoqiang Festival?

Finally, we come to Fayuan Temple founded during Tang Dynasty with initial name '悯忠寺' (Compassionate Loyalty Monastery) aiming at providing peace after death service for soldiers who died in battle. Our team learns about this from experts' explanations while approaching sleeping heroes in Fayuan Temple using respect & sincerity towards spirits & relics under Chongxue Hall. What heartfelt words were spoken before these bones? How did it move everyone present so much that their eyes became wet & they bowed their heads silently? And what mysterious things will our team unlock together at Moli Pavilion?

"Temple Containing All Wonders", songs singing legends! In this episode's performance section,'deep female voice' Wang Xun & 'rock male voice' Bai Juechang change styles interchangeably & hand over opening songs with different tones expressing middle axle charm using sounds praising middle axle spirit.

Remember that next Saturday evening 8:20 PM must lock down by Beijing Radio Television Network Co., Ltd., Beijing Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau co-produced cultural music competition real person show program 《most beautiful middle axle line》second season Middle Axle Team won't miss you!
