
本站原创 0 2025-02-08

由华纳兄弟影片公司发行的DC超级英雄电影《闪电侠》(The Flash) 今日发布“酷飒超女”制作特辑,由萨莎·卡莱饰演的超女此次化身宇宙最强战力代表,利用强大的氪星人超能力协助闪电侠对抗反派佐德,火力全开,飒翻全场!影片预售现已全面开启,同时还将于6月13、14日解锁全国300场超前点映。6月16日,《闪电侠》以2D/CINITY/IMAX/DolbyCinema/CGS中国巨幕版本与北美同步正式上映! 超英集结戳爆粉丝嗨点 全新超女惊艳大银幕 电影《闪电侠》阵容强大,狂戳粉丝嗨点,其中不仅有两大时空性格极具反差的闪电侠——社恐大闪和社牛小闪同框登场,还有两代经典蝙蝠侠重归银幕,更有全新超女首度惊艳亮相。由萨莎·卡莱饰演的超女,一经露面便凭借着飒爽身姿、非凡战力俘获一众网友的喜爱。今日发布的“酷飒超女”制作特辑为所有观众揭晓了这位前所未有的超女是如何诞生的。萨莎·卡莱直言自己真的很激动能够扮演这个角色,“此前从未见过像super girl这样的人物”。片中的super girl起初被关在不见天日的监牢里,囚禁她的雇佣兵团想方设法地榨取她身上的super power,幸好双flash和batman赶来解救了她,为此super girl决定鼓起勇气与flash、batman联手,合力对抗反派saw god将军。萨莎·卡莱透露曾在愿望板上写下gal gadois名字,因为她扮演了wonder woman,而如今自己也化身拥有惊人super power的一位女性super hero!Saasha not only fulfilled her dream of becoming a superhero, but also brought unique charm to the role with her outstanding performance, adding another stunning female superhero image to the big screen. Saasha's perfect portrayal even left director Andy Muschietti in awe: "Saasha brought a lot of strength when she joined, and I immediately thought she would be a perfect supergirl!" Difficult training embodies extraordinary power - The new supergirl is both beautiful and cool, attracting eyeballs. In the movie "The Flash," as an alien from Krypton, Super Girl possesses divine-level combat prowess that plays an indispensable role in the battle against antagonist General Saw God. To showcase this character's high-energy fighting abilities effectively, actress Sasha Calle underwent rigorous and challenging training before filming. Even stunt doubles on set praised her: "You don't need a double." Both producers Barbara Muschietti and director Andy Muschietti commended Sasha for her determination and thorough preparation.

Moreover, unlike what audiences have come to expect from previous interpretations of Supergirl, this new character is no longer just one-dimensional perfection; instead, she is portrayed as an experienced individual who has endured suffering while constantly exploring and struggling with complex nature. As actress Sasha Calle puts it: "I believe she's a different kind of superhero - beautiful yet powerful but also like other people with complexities." This exceptional interpretation will shatter your imagination as the electrifying arrival of Super Girl ignites explosive yet emotionally resonant cinematic experiences!

Produced by Warner Bros., directed by Andy Muschietti and starring Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton,Saasha Calle,Ben Affleck among others,"The Flash" has officially opened pre-sales nationwide. It will open 300 early screenings across China on June 13-14th before its global release on June 16th alongside North America in various formats including IMAX & Dolby Cinema & CGS Giant Screen!

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